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SOIS Calrich Multivitamins 1 x 30's Tablets Jar

SOIS Calrich Multivitamins 1 x 30's Tablets Jar tablet

Brand: Sois Life Sciences
-Calcium carbonate and Vitamin D3.
-Bone and joint health supplement, 30 tablets.
-For Adults.
-Supplement for daily use to support strong muscles, bones, and teeth, increases bone density, prevents bone diseases, and strengthens the immune system.


SOIS CalRich is a dietary supplement containing a combination of Calcium with vitamin D. Low calcium levels in the body are usually due to vitamin D deficiency, which may lead to a compromised bone and tooth structure. Regular use of CalRich provides optimum levels of calcium and vitamin D required for the maintenance of strong bones and teeth. It strengthens the immune system and prevents bone diseases.


-Calcium carbonate
-Vitamin D3.




30 tablets

Key Benefits

-Calcium strengthens the joints and bones, makes the bones hard, and increases bone density. It plays an important role in neurotransmission.
-Calcium hardens the outer part of the teeth called enamel to protect against erosion and cavities.
-Vitamin D plays an important role in bone health by promoting calcium absorption and maintaining the calcium and phosphate levels necessary for bone mineralization. It also reduces pseudo fractures.
-Helps in the management and prevention of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.
-It relaxes blood vessels and aids the movement of muscles.

Direction For Use

-Take this supplement by mouth.
-Take it with a glass of water.


-Take one tablet, twice daily.
-Or exactly as instructed by your doctor.


Store at room temperature, away from direct light and heat. Keep out of reach of children and pets.

Safety Information/Precautions

-Before using this supplement, inform your doctor about your complete medical history.
-Do not use more than recommended.
-Report, if you experience serious or troublesome side effects.
-Do not use this supplement, if expired.


Consult your doctor before using this supplement.


Consult your doctor before using this supplement.When not to use: Do not use this supplement if you’re allergic to any of its constituents.


1. What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

Chronic deficiency of vitamin D deficiency may cause:
-Bone pain
-Muscle weakness
-Osteoporosis (brittle or weak bones)
-Osteomalacia (softening of bones).

2. What are the symptoms of calcium deficiency?

-Weak and brittle nails and bones
-Easy bone fractures
-Muscle spasms

3. How much dietary calcium is required by adults?

2000-2500mg of dietary calcium is required by adults older than 19 years of age per day.

4. How much dietary vitamin D is required by adults?

Adults need at least 2000IU of dietary vitamin D per day if they get little to no sun exposure.

5. Does this supplement expire?

Yes, the expiry date is mentioned on the packet. Do not use this supplement if expired.